Experienced. Competent. Committed.
We treat patients with complex and severe forms of chronic inflammatory diseases or autoimmune diseases.
Through targeted therapies, we can control these in the majority of cases and improve quality of life. Our successes are based on a broad range of specialized consultations and a wealth of medical experience. In combination with innovative, diagnostic methods, we quickly bring clarity to the history of the disease and can therefore begin with individually tailored treatment at an early stage.
On these pages you will find information about inpatient treatment and the outpatient treatment offered by our clinic.
Due to the high volume of patients, initial appointments in our outpatient clinics can only take place after telephone consultation between the referring colleagues and our duty physician.
For this purpose, you can call the respective outpatient clinic during our telephone consultation hours. This also applies to emergency appointments at short notice.
Outpatient clinic
Phone: 09131 85-34742
Fax: 09131 85-36448
Email: m3hsa(at)uk-erlangen.de
Private clinic
Phone: 09131 85-33363
Fax: 09131 85-34770
Clinical Trials Unit
Phone: 09131 85-32093
Inpatient clinic
Phone: 09131 85-33015