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About Us

Welcome to the website of the Department of Medicine 3 – Rheumatology and Immunology

The Department of Medicine 3 is one of five clinics for internal medicine at the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen specialized in rheumatology and clinical immunology.

Our clinic offers modern and targeted diagnosis- and therapeutic interventions for the treatment of rheumatological, immunological and allergological diseases.

Our doctors are specialized in the detection and treatment of different bone-, joint- and autoimmune diseases as well as allergological diseases. These often hard to diagnose diseases – require a competence which is reflected in the fact that the Department of Medicine 3, is one of the few European "Centers of Excellence" according to the guidelines of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR).

In addition to patient care, we focus on research and teaching; from basic research to patient -oriented research. More information on our basic research activities and clinical research can be found on our website under Research.

Moreover, will our internet pages allow you to find your way within the Medizinische Klinik 3 and to answer some of your questions. We try to give you a comprehensive overview on the broad variety of rheumatological and immunological diseases.

By the close interaction of our staff – doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and psychologist, we ensure extensive and comprehensive care of your patients.


Prof. Dr. med. univ. Georg Schett
and the team of the Department of Medicine 3

University outpatient clinic
Phone: 09131 85-34742

Private outpatient clinic
Phone: 09131 85-33363

Study outpatient clinic
Phone: 09131 85-32093

Ward B2-2
Phone: 09131 85-33015