Independent. Active. Fit.
Ergotherapy is used for movement disorders, body sensation and nerve conduction disorders, psychological and socio-emotional problems at any age. Ergotherapy is particularly helpful when limitations threaten self-sufficiency in everyday life and social integration into the environment. Through specific therapies, environmental adaptation, the use of aids and targeted counselling, the aim is to achieve independence, the ability to act in everyday life, social participation and thus to maintain or improve the quality of life.
In order to do justice to the individual situation of each person, a detailed and precise assessment and analysis of the environmental factors is important before therapy begins.
Our inpatients already receive our occupational therapy offers during their stay with us. If desired, the treatment can be continued on an outpatient basis after discharge. In addition, we offer outpatient therapies with and without a prescription for remedies or issue vouchers for one or more treatments.
- Self-help training/training in activities of daily living (ADL): personal hygiene, dressing, eating/drinking, etc.
- Joint protection counseling and/or joint protection training
- Sensibility training and fine motor training
- motor-functional therapy
- sensomotoric-perceptive therapy
- ergotherapy brain performance training
- mental-functional treatment
- functional treatment techniques/hand therapy
- measures for sensitization/desensitization
- scar treatment
- tape applications
- thermal applications (cold or heat therapy, e.g. paraffin bath)
- individual fitting of ergotherapy splints for the hand (e.g. positioning, rheumatic and/or functional splints)
- Advice and training in the use of work and everyday aids, aid advice and fitting
- Training of work and everyday life skills with consideration of occupational therapy splints and aids
- Training of compensation techniques such as learning substitute functions, one-hand training, etc.
- Advice on integration into the home environment, advice on adapting living space
- Advice on integration into the professional and social environment, job analysis
- training for relatives
- graphomotor training (writing training)
- Coordination training
- Perception-enhancing treatment concepts, e.g. Perfetti, Affolter, mirror therapy
- basale stimulation, relaxation methods, etc.
- Treatments on a neurophysiological basis, e.g. according to Bobath, etc.
- mobilization for contracture prophylaxis, especially of the upper extremities
Prescriptions for remedies (prescriptions)
Remedies according to the catalogue | Short |
Physiotherapy | KG |
Manual therapy | MT |
Physical therapy | KT WT Ultrasound WT Warm package/ Fango |
Ergotherapy (must be ticked at the top right) | - |