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Clinical infection immunology

Precise. Providing. Accompanying.

In the field of clinical infectious immunology, we care for patients with diseases from the entire spectrum of infectiology. In order to be able to make a clear diagnosis quickly, we have a wide range of modern diagnostic methods at our disposal in our own Routine laboratory as well as in cooperation with the Institute of Virology and the Institute of Microbiology - Clinical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene.

Important clinical focuses are the treatment of patients with immuno-
deficiencies, HIV infection and Lyme disease. The Department of Clinical Infection Immunology of Medicine 3 is one of the members of the Competence Network HIV/AIDS and is involved in the patient cohort of the Competence Network.

For patients with a newly diagnosed infection against the "Human Immunodeficiency Virus" (HIV infection) should come immediately to the HIV outpatient clinic even in the absence of clinical symptoms. In the further course of immunodeficiency, life-threatening infections and tumors can often suddenly occur, which are preventable with timely initiation of antiretroviral therapy for the HIV infection. We determine the need for antiretroviral therapy based on clinical symptoms, CD4 helper cell count and viral load level.

In patients on antiretroviral therapy, attention must be paid to a variety of pharmacologic interactions. Therefore, compatibility with HIV medication should be discussed with us before taking any new medication.

Pregnant women infected with HIV should present immediately after pregnancy is established, as interdisciplinary care by infectious disease specialists and gynecologists can significantly reduce the risk of HIV transmission to the child. In case of exposure to HIV-contaminated material, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) can reduce the risk of HIV infection.

Studies are underway in the HIV outpatient clinic to test new viral drugs and immunotherapeutics for the treatment of HIV-1 infection.

The Department of Medicine 3 is a center for clinical infectiology certified by the German Society for Infectiology (DGI).

Outside office hours from 16:00h to 08:00h or on weekends and holidays, please contact the gate of the Internistisches Zentrum at 09131 85-35000 (ask for duty physician).

HIV consultation hour

Consultation hour for HIV infections and Infectiology

Special consultation hour

Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Harrer

Monday - Thursday
07:30 - 15:30 h

07:30 - 12:30 h

Internistisches Zentrum
Erdgeschoss, Bauteil C
Ulmenweg 18
91054 Erlangen

Contact for appointments
Appointments only upon consultation

Appointments are made exclusively by telephone arrangement:

Telefon: 09131 85-34742
Fax: 09131 85-36448

or by email to m3hsa(at)


Due to the high volume of patients, initial appointments can only take place after telephone consultation between the referring colleagues and the clinic's duty physician.

Required documents
  • Certificate of Insurance (health insurance card)
  • Allocation
  • Copies of the preliminary findings
  • X-ray images
  • Reports from previous hospitalizations
  • in case of initial appointment, completed questionnaire (see documents)

Infectiology consultation hour

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