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You were an in-patient at the Uni-Klinikum Erlangen, were treated during this time by the Physical and Rehabilitative Department with physical therapy, physiotherapy or occupational therapy and want to continue this treatment at home as an outpatient?
For more information on what options are available for further outpatient treatment, please see Outpatient / Inpatient further treatment.
Zentralverband der Physiotherapeuten/ Krankengymnasten e.V.: www.zvk.org
German therapist information: www.deutsche-therapeutenauskunft.de
Deutscher Verband der Ergotherapeuten e.V. (therapist search): www.dve.info
Bundesverband für Ergotherapeuten in Deutschland e.V.:
Speech therapy:
Deutscher Bundesverband für Logopädie e.V.: www.dbl-ev.de
There are other possibilities of prescription:
- Functional training or rehabilitation sports (e.g. cardiac sports groups)
These are sport or gymnastics groups, which usually take place 1-2x /week on dry land or in water. The groups require recognition by the funding agencies. They are led by specially trained therapists who perform exercises adapted to the disease. The prescription can be issued for different periods of time, depending on the disease and the responsible funding agency, and must be approved by the health insurance or pension insurance. Once you have received the prescription, you must look for a suitable group and ask if there are any places available. Usually, when you register, you will be asked for doctor's reports, in which the therapists will find clues about your individual problems and your individual resilience.
For more information, see:
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation - Rehabilitationssport und Funktionstraining/
and at your health insurance and pension insurance company.
- The prescription for exercise:
When prescribing exercise, your doctor will note on the prescription the recommendation for a particular type of exercise. You can then go to Sportprogesundheit on the Internet to find out about special courses near your home that have been awarded the "Sport pro Gesundheit" quality seal. After the course, you submit the prescription with confirmation of regular participation to your statutory health insurance company, which may provide financial support for the course.
Rehab application
A rehabilitation measure can be applied:
- Directly after an inpatient hospital stay, as a so-called AHB = follow-up treatment
Your ward physician must make the application during your hospital stay. He usually gets help from the Social Service, which will contact you about the formalities and the rehabilitation clinic where the rehabilitation measure is to take place. - Without prior inpatient hospitalization, as a so-called HB = curative treatment, e.g. if
a. Your earning capacity is at risk - rehab before pension
b. Your independent living is endangered - rehab before care
The application must be made by your family doctor.
If you are still employed, your pension insurance is responsible. If you have suffered an accident, the accident insurance and in other cases, with a few exceptions, your health insurance. These cost units have different application forms.
If you need information, support or advice, you can contact the following:
- Sozialverband VdK Deutschland e.V.
Linienstraße 131
10115 Berlin
Telefon: 030 9210580-0
Telefax: 030 9210580-110
Sozialverband VdK Deutschland e.V.
Joint rehabilitation service centers
With the operation of joint service centers, the rehabilitation providers fulfill legal obligations of the SGB IX. The nationwide establishment and operation of joint service centers aims to provide information, advice and support for people with disabilities or at risk of disability across all providers in a neutral and binding manner.
Outpatient / inpatient further treatment
For further outpatient treatment with physical, physiological, ergo or speech therapy you need a prescription, a so-called "Heilmittelverordnung" (=remedy prescription), which your doctor (family doctor, internist, orthopedist, neurologist, etc.) must issue. If you have statutory health insurance, a specific form is required (see below). For one diagnosis, 3 prescriptions with 6 applications of physiotherapy and 3 prescriptions with 10 applications of ergotherapy each may be prescribed. It does not matter whether these treatments take place within one quarter or over two quarters. If more treatments are required, there must be an appropriate justification on the prescription or a break of 12 weeks must have passed since the last application.
Since July 1, 2011, in the case of severe permanent functional/structural damage, an application for approval of long-term treatment can also be submitted and the health insurance company can approve the medically necessary treatment for at least one year (Section 8 (5) HeilM-RL). For certain conditions, the application and approval procedure will no longer apply as of 01.01.2017 (GBA resolution of 19.05.2016 [GBA - Adjustment of regulations on long-term therapeutic products] ). Nevertheless, the prescription is budget-relevant for your physician, i.e. he/she may only issue a certain number of prescriptions in a quarter.
If you still have very severe functional impairments, e.g. in joint mobility, muscle strength or fine motor skills, or if you still have very severe pain, it may also make sense to apply for an inpatient or full-day outpatient = partial inpatient rehabilitation measure.
Full-day outpatient rehabilitation means that you come to the rehabilitation facility in the morning or are brought to it and go home again in the afternoon or are brought home by a driving service.
The application procedure is the same as for an inpatient stay.
For such a full-day outpatient measure, certain requirements must be met, such as not being too far from the rehab facility and more.
For more information on how to apply, see rehab application.