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Teaching at Department for Internal Medicine 3

Over 400 different clinical pictures belong to the illnesses of the rheumatic form circle. They are mostly chronic, painful and lead to permanent functional disorders of the postural and locomotor system. Most clinical pictures rank among the degenerativen, rheumatism inflammatory or metabolic illnesses, whose number due to the demographic change and the life habits in the industrial states rises continuously.

In order to meet the demands placed on doctors today and in the future, we attach particular importance to the comprehensive and practical rheumatological-immunological training of our medical students.

If you are interested in rheumatological, immunological or infectious diseases, you can get an impression of the various stages of training that you can complete in our clinic on the other websites.

For enquiries and appointments, please contact the Vorstandssekretariat von Prof. Dr. med. univ. Georg Schett

The courses offered by the Department for Internal Medicine 3 are integrated into the overall concept of teaching in internal medicine with lectures, seminars and block internships.

Current course catalogue