Clinical Trials Unit
Consultation hour
Monday - Thursday
08:00 - 12:30 h and 14:30 - 16:00 h
08:00 - 11:30 h
Internistisches Zentrum
2nd floor, Building B
Ulmenweg 18
91054 Erlangen
B 02.426
Appointments only upon consultation
Due to the high volume of patients, initial appointments can only take place after telephone consultation between the referring colleagues and the clinic's duty physician.
Phone: 09131 85-32093
Fax: 09131 85-32092
Controlled clinical studies are necessary to assess the efficacy and safety of drugs in rheumatic diseases. In the Clinical Trials Unit of Medicine 3, under the direction of PD Arnd Kleyer, phase 1-4 studies are offered and carried out for various rheumatic diseases. The main focus is on the clinical pictures: Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, spondylarthritides (axial spondyloarthritis), vasculitides (especially large vessel vasculitides) as well as collagenoses (systemic lupus, dermatomyositis or systemic scleroderma).
In addition to participating in multicenter studies, the strength and expertise lies in conducting our own studies, which are performed according to the German Drug Law (IITs according to AMG). This is done in close cooperation with the sponsors of study projects and in collaboration with the Center for Clinical Studies (CCS) of the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen to meet the legal and ethical requirements.
The Clinical Trials Unit has the spatial and personnel requirements for this with direct connection to the entire care structure of the Universitätsklinikum. This integration, as well as the special training and many years of experience of our staff, guarantee the highest quality standards.
In addition, the premises of the Clinical Trials Unit are used for the pre- and post-treatment as well as the further care and treatment of patients who have participated in clinical studies and for the infusion treatments of Medicine 3.
Required documents
- Certificate of Insurance (health insurance card)
- Allocation
- Medication list
- Copies of the preliminary findings
- X-ray images
- Reports from previous hospitalizations